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Changes in Title System

Oct 23, 2017

During the new update, the stats for activation & equipment in Title System will be slightly changed. And for full details on how they are changed, please check the following chart. Hope that you can have much more fun with this new version updated within any second. 


Details of change in title system
Before Change After Change
Stats for activation Stats for equipment Stats for activation Stats for equipment
Battlemaster I 150 60 900 300 120 1800 140 70 1050 CRIT+2%
Battlemaster II 210 85 1280 420 170 2560 200 100 1500 CRIT+4%
Battlemaster III 270 110 1660 540 220 3320 300 150 2250 CRIT+6%
Trailblazer I 60 25 400 120 50 800 120 60 900 RES+3%
Trailblazer II 85 35 550 170 70 1100 240 120 1800 RES+6%
Trailblazer III 110 45 700 220 90 1400 360 180 2700 RES+9%
Bounty Hunter I 100 40 600 200 80 1200 80 40 600 PEN+3%
Bounty Hunter II 140 55 820 280 110 1640 140 70 1050 PEN+6%
Bounty Hunter III 180 70 1040 360 140 2080 300 150 2250 PEN+9%
Mercenary I 100 40 600 200 80 1200 160 80 1200 BLK+2%
Mercenary II 140 55 820 280 110 1640 240 120 1800 BLK+4%
Mercenary III 180 70 1040 360 140 2080 360 180 2700 BLK+6%
Fighter I 200 70 1100 DI + 0.5% 80 40 600 DR+0.5%
Brawler II 275 100 1550 DI + 1% 100 50 750 DR+1%
Challenger III 350 130 2000 DI + 1.5% 120 60 900 DR+1.5%
Duelist 425 160 2450 DI + 2% 140 70 1050 DR+2%
Gladiator 500 190 2900 DI + 2.5% 160 80 1200 DR+2.5%
Ultimate Duel 16 250 100 1500 DI + 1% 120 60 900 DI+1%
Ultimate Duel 8 350 140 2100 DI + 2% 160 80 1200 DI+2%
Ultimate Duel 4 450 180 2700 DI + 3% 200 100 1500 DI+3%
UD Runner-up 550 220 3300 DI + 4% 240 120 1800 DI+4%
UD Champion 650 260 3900 DI + 5% 280 140 2100 DI+5%

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