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Explanation of Wind Dancer skill adjustments and DMG value bug

Apr 10, 2018

Dear Warriors:

This update fixes a bug that occurred when calculating damage for the Wind Dancer's Ultimate Skill, and further increases the value of her Ult. Given the importance of this fix and associated adjustments we're issuing this explanation to avoid confusion. 

There's always been a bug with the Wind Dancer algorithm that meant her Ultimate Skill damage coefficient of 1000% would inflict close to 6000% damage in battle. As a result, she could basically kill any opponent as soon as the fight began, including Tank Heroes, Labyrinth chest monster Bosses and so on. Obviously this had a serious impact on game balance and experience.

But when we tested for Hero balance after fixing the bug, we found that Wind Dancer's damage had been seriously reduced, which is not what we intended at all.

That's why we made further revisions and enhancements, firstly shifting the target of her attack from the front to the back row, increasing her Ultimate Skill damage from 1000% to 1400%, and removing the effect of taunt, support and other skills.

This is the final result of an extensive process of balance testing, and you could say, this time we've got the formula just right!

Now she's the Wind Dancer we always imagined - a single-target, high ATK, high CRIT Hero, with the ability to land a fatal blow on all non-defensive type heroes. Hailing from a mysterious lineage of Eastern sword masters, no form of heresy or black magic is safe from her deadly swordwork. Her purpose is to counter those annoying Support and Control heroes.

No doubt this kind of huge overhaul is bound to cause some unavoidable inconvenience to those players who use Wind Dancer, so we've devised a little compensation reward for them: How's 120 Wind Dancer Shards sound?!

Thanks again everyone for your support and understanding!
                                                  - Paradise Land Operations Team
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